The Remeum

 Memorial, Tomb, & Resurrection Of An Urban Legend In Fairfax County, Virginia
Urban Legend- Definition: An apocryphal, secondhand story told as true and just plausible enough to be believed, about some horrific, embarrassing, ironic, or exasperating series of events that supposedly happened to a real person or persons.
In the Tuesday afternoon edition of the Washington Evening Star newspaper on March 27th, 1956, the paper's crime beat reporters dutifully wrote that the Fairfax County Police Department, had arrested eleven juvenile males the previous weekend and then charged them with breaking and entering, vandalism, and destruction of private property.

What made this particular crime noteworthy not only was that the owner of the property in question was a prominent & renowned Washingtonian, whose lineage traced back from one of colonial Virginia's founding families, but also the boys claimed that they were inspired by a recent lecture on the ancient tombs and crypts of the pharaohs in Egypt delivered in their high school history class at Mount Vernon High School, which was located approximately three miles north of the crime scene on U. S. Route One, a large mausoleum that was positioned a couple hundred yards southwest of the nearby burial grounds of the historic Pohick Episcopal Church, in Lorton, Virginia.

The police caught the boys as they were in the process of punching a hole in a wall of the inner coutyard's atrium that would have given them access into the tomb itself. It was this incident that would trigger the urban legend of the 'crypts,' that eventually plagued the rector(s) and vestrymen of the Pohick church, the tomb's owner, and the Fairfax County Police Department's Groveton- later Mt. Vernon, district substations for the next three decades.

Party at the Crypts

The tale of these crypts and their supposed secrets and mysteries they allegedly held, would be passed from one generation of young persons to another in the southern portion of Fairfax County, in particular, to succeeding classes of the four local county high schools closest in proximity to the church grounds and the mausoleum. It became a rite of passage of adolescence and a gathering spot for numerous illicit parties that oft times included underage drinking, sex, drugs, and teen hijinks. The phrase, 'Party at the Crypts'  worked its way into the lexicon of the local youth along with an ever growing catalog of supposed wild parties, nefarious deeds, tales of outlaw motorcycle gangs, and of course, the purported fabled contents of what its builder had simply termed, the Remeum.


Unknown said...

Hello there, you said on a blog post that you were writing a book about the crypts. What happened? I just read pages of posts. I used to go there. Are you writing a book or did you bullshit everyone?

Anonymous said...

I was there in 1973. We broke nothing while there but did notice previous burned out areas where fires had been started and graffiti on some of the walls. The walls that surrounded the area where the stones lions sat were intact with the name plaques sealed upon them. I remember one - Phillip Chauncey Mason. He died of scurvy. Inside the main building, it was T shaped. In the first room a large glass sided, 4 posted coffin and surrounding it were beautiful statues. One looked like a knight in armour.

Michael Zargarov said...

This was to be the final resting place of Charles Mason Remey, architect... who followed the Baha'i Faith and became a famous teacher and representative of the religion. After the death of its central leader: Shoghi Afnan Rabbani, in 1957, Remey came to the conclusion that He had been ordained the next "Guardian" of the Baha'i Faith. He lived, at the end of his life in a villa near Florence, Italy and is buiried there.

Michael Zargarov (Former Baha'i)

Anonymous said...

I have ended up here by accident. A strange DUI incident. I crashed into a stump in front of the entrance. Never knew of this or this faith either.

Anonymous said...

Zeeps! batta matta tah-PAM, lots! WEEN! Ha ha ha! We're the DOONS, beestees!

Anonymous said...

If you didn’t visit the crypto as a teenager than you were a nerd

Anonymous said...
